Created by: ensemble U:
Software: Tarmo Johannes, Tammo Sumera
Duration: ca 40..50 min (short version 30 minutes)
Performers: ensemble U: (Tarmo Johannes – flute, Helena Tuuling – clarinet, Vambola Krigul – percussion, Taavi Kerikmäe – piano, Merje Roomere – violin, Levi-Danel Mägila – cello); Tammo Sumera – computer and visuals
Première: 23.10.11, Festival NYYD 2011 (Tallinn, Estonia)
Première of new version (using smart-phones): 21.05.15, Classical: NEXT, Rotterdam




'Audience orchestra' is an interactive experiment developed by ensemble U:. The listeners of the event gain unusual power – they can control how the concert develops, what is the music played and give instant feedback of their opinions. In some sections they can play along with the performers and are turned into a kind of orchestra. But unlike a normal orchestra that is based in strict hierarchies and rules, the audience orchestra acts on the bases of democracy – everybody has a vote and decisions are made when the majority is for it. The main issue of this singular experiment is to investigate and play around the idea “democracy in making music”. What is it what the public really wants and expects? Are they happy if it it is finally the “voice of public” that controls the concert?

The audience can take part using a smart-phone, tablet or laptop. The only thing they need to do is log in to local wifi network (created by U:), open certain web-page and follow further instructions. Two computers with software created specially for this project run necessary servers, gather the data from participants and turn it into music or otherwise useful information.

The “research part” is followed by performance of contemporary Estonian music with duration approximately 15..20 minutes.

Technical requirements

Data projector, large screen or wall for projection, large TV set or display (visible for the performers on stage), VGA splitter; a speech microphone (wireless, if possible), sound amplification and speakers
(stereo), small audio mixer ( 2 line inputs, 1 microphone input)

Other equipment on stage: a table for computers and mixer (VGA and audio cables should reach the table), 2 chairs by the table;
piano (played without lid) and a piano stool, 5 chairs for performers; 6 music stands

Percussion instruments (may vary according to final program – please contact the ensemble):
Vibraphone, Concert Bass Drum with tilting stand, Snare drum + stand, 2 High Rototoms + stand, Tambourine + stand, 2
different Maracas/Shakers, 2 different Triangles + clips or double holder on cymbal stand, Large suspended cymbal +
stand, Large Tamtam (thin/bowable) + stand, 2 Trap Tables for sticks

The wifi hardware, computers and necessary software is provided by U:.

See 'audience orchestra stage plan.pdf' for placement.